The South End Rowing Club is a premiere spot for marathon swim training in the open water. Athletes come from all over the world to train and accomplish 10 to 50 mile swims in San Francisco and beyond. To keep the swimmers safe from container ships, fishing traffic and other denizens of the water, having a pilot is a must. Ideally swimmers train to be pilots themselves to return the favor of safety.
The South End has been conducting day-long in-the-classroom and on-the-water training for decades. It is a point of pride that Vessel Traffic Services officers have attended the class and have found it thorough and superb.
Level Five volunteers digital and visual communication expertise to keep pilots and swimmers safe by working with Captain Jim Bock to edit, write, organize, illustrate and produce a new class slide deck.
Graphics by Zina.
NYT article on Fishapod
Started Out as a Fish. How Did It End Up Like This? A meme about…