Recognized for a Decade of Art
From logos and art for club swims, to posters for club functions as well as swag for the club’s annual biggest fundraiser, Zina has put countless hours into elevating the overall look of this historic institution. Thank you President Simon Dominguez for the recognition and appreciation! A few examples of Zina’s designs below:
Represented in SF Bookstores!
This set of four Open Water: San Francisco postcards is available for purchase at Green Apple Books, Green Arcade, or directly through inquiry at
House of Aïa
Though not Level Five’s usual bailiwick, we were contacted for some decorative illustration to dress up the page of this luxury hotel in Tulum, Mexico. The boy in the apple tree was a trial for style made for the art director at the beginning of the project. The image on the right–an early try at […]
Live Worms Shows
In the fall of 2018 and 2019, Zina participated in a group show called “Seismic Equinox”, organized by F. Joseph Butler at Live Worms Gallery on North Beach, San Francisco. She showed works out of her Open Water series. As Level Five mostly produces work for print and web publication it was a special treat […]
Inspire Oakland
Zina’s design came in as a finalist in Bridgegood’s Inspire Oakland competition. This competition searches for an iconic design that answers “What about Oakland inspires you?” Inspiration is a very personal thing. It can also be a very communal group thing. It comes from the root “to breathe” in Latin, as in “to put life […]
One Moto Show
In the fair, flanneled and authentic city of Portland, Oregon, every February, The One Moto Show has been quietly growing since 2009 and is officially A Big Deal now. It’s a curated, invitation-only custom motorcycle show. The organizing premise of the show is “what is the one motorcycle you love?” And there is a lot to […]
Communicating for Life
Zina Deretsky and Alan Lapp presented “Communicating for Life” for the Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) at the AMI’s annual meetingin Austin, Texas in the summer of 2017. It moved some of the audience to tears. After Al was diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and told his kidneys were on the five-year countdown to […]
Art Beautifies Glen Park, SF
Level Five was commissioned to create a lasting landmark in the Glen Park neighborhood of San Francisco. The project focuses the talents and strengths of each partner for a beautiful outcome. The homeowner has a cozy place with a well-done interior, but the generic galvanized railing that came with the house drove her nutsfor many […]
Two Cactus Stories
Zina published two articles about cacti on LiveScience. The first – a personal account of interactions with cacti and succulents, and how to grow them. The second – an interview with John Trager, Curator of the Desert Collection of the Huntington Gardens in Los Angeles. All photos by Zina.
The Dirtbag Challenge is an annual San Francisco underground chopper building tradition created by Poll Brown. There are very simple rules: build for 30 days, spend under $1000, ride 130 miles around the Bay Area, and no Harleys.* At the end of the ride, there’s a big party with really loud music, really smoky burnouts, and […]